
Dernier ajout : 22 septembre 2010.

This camp is an opportunity for organizing several actions. It is also an opportunity for reinforce internationals networks between people in struggle. During the whole week there will be projections of movies (give a look to the program of Cinema Nova, in French and Dutch), debates, happenings and expositions. Every day is dedicated to a specific theme.

* Saturday 25/09 : building up the camp

* Sunday 26/09 : commemoration demo in memory of the death of Semira Adamu

* Monday 27/09 : European migration policy and the militarisation of borders

* Tuesday:28/09 : detention centres and deportations

* Wednesday 29/09 : capitalism and migration

* Thursday 30/09 : living clandestine and the struggle of migrants

* Friday 01/09 : the externalisation of the European border policy

* Saturday 02/09 : Big No border manifestation

* Sunday 03/09 : evaluation and cleaning up

This program is still under construction. If you want to propose activities, please complete this form and send it to the program group

Below you can find the temporary version of the program (2 pdf pages)

On Sunday 26th the program at the Cinema Nova starts at 7PM !!!

PDF - 1.4 Mo
programme 1/2
PDF - 1.4 Mo
programme 2/2
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