CALL TO GATHERING Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Poelaert place 8.15 am
arrestations video on 29 September 2010 :
Between September 26 and October 1, 2010 Brussels hosted several demonstrations as well as a NoBorder Camp on the theme of freedom of movement. During this period some 450 so-called preventive arrests were made by the police. Just for the 29 September 2010 on the occasion of a European trade union demonstration, about 300 people were arrested. The police targets were anyone suspected to be taking part in the NoBorder Camp. A huge police deployment spread over the town and without valid reason, people were controlled, searched and administratively detained. No trouble or offense other than the fact of being there and being dressed suspiciously could be held against them. The arrests were almost systematically along with harassment, humiliations and even physical and mental abuse.
Five victims, arrested for their ideas, have decided to introduce civil proceedings at the trial Court of Brussels against the Belgian State as well as the Brussels-Ixelles Police Zone for arbitrary preventive arrests.
The right to protest is guaranteed by the Constitution and the use of intimidation and arrests against peaceful demonstrators is reminiscent of police state methods.
Let’s be many to show our solidarity with the five victims who represents all the others at the first hearing that wil be held on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at the Palais de Justice in Brussels.
To contribute financially to this costly action : Bank account IBAN BE51 8804 9555 5162 BIC : HBKA BE 22 Vluchtelingen Aktie Komitee, IJskelderstraat 158 B-9000 Gent
Texts and testimonies