Guided tour of the city across the mythic places (for the no paper people)
Brussels By ecologic bus and bicycles
Monday the 27th of september 2001 from 9.00 (AM) to 1.00 (PM)
9.00 AM : Leaving at No Border Camp (Tour&Taxis)
9.30 AM : Strangers’ Office and the GCRA
(General Police Station for Refugees and Stateless : authority where applicants describe their asylum’s story hoping the GCRA will choose the best treatment (an advocate and a refugee will explain how to ask for a first application)
10.00 AM : Strangers Legal Department Council
authority for refugees’ call (if GCRA doesn’t agree) Law hearing will be possible
10.45 AM : Little Castle
It’s one of the oldest refugee center, located in an antic barrack. Actually, this place offers 500 beds for lonely men (flanks of the internal courtyard), 96 beds for families with 3 children and more (E block), 200 beds for lonely women (F Block) and 40 beds for unaccompanied minors (CADE).
11.15 AM : FEDASIL
Federal Agency for Asylum Seekers looks at the centers where refugees are accomodated during asylum procedure. Illegal families with minors can also be accomodated in (by ?) the network. The advocate and the refugee will explain how families had to sleep in the streets or in the parks because there were no room left in the centers.
11.30 AM : Church of the “beguinage”
Several important struggles for no-papers took place there. In 1999, its occupation led to the biggest regularization campain in Belgium ; more recently a hunger strike lasted several weeks. Witnesses will explain their combat.
12.00 : St Boniface’s Church
An other important occupation took place there in 2005 ; it helped asylum seekers to write a law on their own. Witnesses will explain their fight.
12.30 (PM) : UNHCR
Visit of the offices of HCR delegation for Belgium - Netherlands and Luxembourg.
1.00 (PM) : The Freedom, Security and Justice Committee
this authority checks up the applications ruling migratory politics.
1.30 (PM) : Flagey’s square
Reminder of the first Afghans’ hunger strike. 300 of them had occupied St Cross Church and they were overwhelmingly supported by the local neighbours assembly + Pik-nik
End of the tour. Bring your music, banners, sandwiches and champagne !