Here you find the tasks and contact of the different working groups. There is a lot of work to do, so please make proposals and join the preparation and organization of the camp.
1. Comunication with the press
Responsible for comunicating with the media and for press work, it organizes the entrance stand at the camp side which will take care of journalists.
2. Alternative media
It will take care during the camp to update on what is going on using different medium: sound, video, text
3. Website
This group makes and manages the website. They collect the email addresses and take care of newsletter, newsgroup, mailing list. They also help the mobilisation through the web.
4. Logistics Group:
This group is responsible for the accommodation. Later different subgroups will be subdivided to take care of: terrain, water, electricity, sleeping, transport and rooms. They find out places where to organise activities: expositions, meetings, projections, eating, sleeping, concerts, …
They manage the places available, communicate about this paces to the different working groups, think about ways for transportation. They look as well for a sound system for events.
Callout from the Logistic group
5. Cooking/Kitchen:
We will have to feed a lot of people during the camp. The cooking group arranges popular kitchen groups and organises transport, buys vegetables and drinks. The group makes a list of what is needed.
6. Translation:
This group takes care of the translation of different materials of the No Border Camp. Please feel free to join in: contact the group and translate texts in to your language.
7. Agenda/Program:
This group collects proposals from other organisations, sets up of the agenda of the camp activities (workshops, concerts, films, actions etc…) and makes it known. They contact the logistics group when there are places needed to realize the agenda.
Booking form and callout from the programm group
8. Medical workgroup:
Informs about preventive medicine and makes sure there is permanence during the week and for the diverse activities, actions and demonstrations. Contacts the welcome and juridical team to spread medical information as much as possible. Gives advise to other workgroups about the hygienic and medical needs. Finds places and equipment for the medical posts.
callout for the medical team
9. Juridical workgroup:
Makes a juridical guide. Makes sure that there is juridical permanence during the camp and afterwards.
Helps other work groups with legal support. Contacts lawyers and legal advisers.
Callout for the legal team
10. Finances:
Manages the budget (in Calais this was 15 000 euros). Looks for funds. Checks the financial needs of other groups.
11. Internal communication and decision making process:
Assures that the info of all different groups is spread around and keeps an eye on the process if the preparation is going well. Checks that we don’t forget things.
Assures that all work groups are active and part of the process.
They make the call out for reunions.
They make a report, especially during the camp.
They make sure there is coordination amongst the different groups also during the camp.
During the camp: planning the large meetings, making sure that everyone is involved in the horizontal decision making process.
12. Welcome point:
Makes sure that all information is spread well. Collects all information. Prepares and organises the welcoming and information point of the camp. Looks for maps, transportation possibilities, program, etc. Makes sure that the info point functions during the whole camp.
13. Big demo:
This group organises a big demonstration on Saturday 2nd of October: contacts organisations and gets authorisation.
14. Mobilisation:
On local and global level: distributes posters and flayers. Organizes and coordinates info tours and international mobilisation. Provides materials for other people that want to mobilize. Contact this group if you want to mobilize in your country.
All informations and materials to participate in the mobilisation of the No Border Camp in Brussels